I’ve always considered myself to be a person that loves change. In fact, God once spoke to my heart that He gave me a flexible and adaptable nature and as a result, He could use my life in many places and venues. I’ve always welcomed new things and embraced change. Not so much lately!
Recently I’ve struggled with letting go of the familiar and comfortable things in my life. After years of experience in walking with God, I’ve discovered that He generally doesn’t give you something new until you lay down the old. But it feels much safer when you can clearly see the new before letting go of the old.
Abraham learned this lesson (Genesis 12) when God told him to pack his bags and go to an unfamiliar land, miles away from anything or anyone he has known before. That proposition seems scary and I sincerely hope that God never requires that of me.
I’ve found that in the midst of challenge, vision often dissipates. Of late, I haven’t been able to see clearly what is happening. Instead of faith, I have experienced emotions – lots of them! Feelings have ruled over what I know to be truth. I’ve experienced feelings of rejection and insecurity similar to what Abraham must have felt.
Abraham was called to leave all that was dear for an unknown land. He was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran – no spring chicken! He had to feel fearful and insecure about his future in many ways. One of the first ventures of this mighty man of faith was to pass off his wife as his sister to save their skin. Apparently he was convinced the Egyptians would kill him in order to enjoy the company of his beautiful wife.
His assumptions were legitimate alright even though he didn’t handle it well. Fear and insecurity will cause people to do irrational things and think illogical thoughts. Good decisions are often not the outcome, and it is at these times that it is essential we quiet our hearts and listen to what God is saying about our situation.
Little by little I am learning to let go of the old and embrace the new – and the unknown. Now that I understand more clearly what’s been happening in God’s scheme of things, life is making more sense these days. And though I wish I could say that it’s all over, change is still coming, and life is going to look a little differently than before.
But seeing it from God’s perspective? That makes all the difference!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and learn not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5 {NIV}